[OD] The REALTORS® Code of Ethics: A Standard for Excellence

01 Jul

[OD] (C7) The REALTORS® Code of Ethics: A Standard for Excellence (2022-2024 Compliance)

[OD] (C7) The REALTORS® Code of Ethics: A Standard for Excellence (2022-2024 Compliance)

Monday, July 1, 2024 (12:00 AM) to Saturday, March 1, 2025 (12:00 AM)
2.5 Education Credits
SPAAR Community Campus

You're Registered!
The course may include case studies, text and video lessons, downloads, external links, and knowledge checks. Continuing education courses must be attended in their entirety in order to receive credit for the number of approved hours. (Minn. Stat. § 45.30 subd. 4a). Courses include technology to guarantee seat-time (Minn. Stat. § 45.301). Course completion is defined in the system as having completed all learning modules and activities, passing the final exam, and completing the end of course survey. The course must be completed prior to the indicated expiration date of the course; continuing education credit will not be awarded for completion after it loses its status as an active/approved course. Shared email addresses with others impacts your ability to use SPAAR’s On-Demand Education services. Visit Education Policies for more information.

The REALTORS® Code of Ethics: A Standard for Excellence
Through examining its creation, evolution, enforcement, and case studies, grasp the practical implications of the Code's articles and learn them in real-world situations. This course introduces the Pathways to Professionalism, its usage, and aims to bolster ethical decision-making and professional responsibility.

This educational offering is recognized by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce as satisfying 2.5 hours of credit toward continuing real estate education, provided by the Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS®. The MN approved CE course number has not changed. Credit may not be earned if the licensee has previously obtained credit for the same course as either a student or instructor during the same licensing period. (Minn. Stat. § 82.61)

NOTE: Completion of this course satisfies the 2022-2024 NAR Ethics cycle.

SPAAR Community Campus
SPAAR Community Campus

Mike Brennan
Mike was licensed from May 1995 until February 2012. He has taught pre-license and continuing education classes since 2003 in Minnesota, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, Florida and Wisconsin. Mike's energy and enthusiasm keeps students engaged and alert. Mike became an investment property owner in 1993, which sparked his interest in real estate. Since then, Mike has worked in restoring/reselling houses, rentals and sales. Mike is involved with the Minnesota Board of REALTORS® and has volunteered for many committees, including Professional Standards, Nominating, Executive and currently is on the Board of Directors for the State Association of REALTORS®.

The course will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding minimal down time for updating and administration through the indicated expiration date of the course.

The course must be completed prior to the indicated expiration date of the course on the student’s campus account. Continuing education credit will not be awarded for taking the course after it loses its status as an active/approved course.

On-Demand Course Expiration Date
Purchased courses will be available on the student’s SPAAR Community Campus (spaarcc.com) account dashboard for 12 months from the date of registration (purchase date) or until the Minnesota Department of Commerce course approval expiration date, whichever date is sooner.

 Please visit Education Policies for more information.